If my story resonates with you, let's connect. Fitness is a lifelong commitment, and I would love to be part of your journey. Cheers to a healthier you!

Grab a cuppa, relax, and let's dive into what can be your new health and fitness journey.


My fitness journey started when I was 13 and I fell in love with exercise, even sneaking off to the gym by borrowing money from my mum. Despite the challenges of being a single mum and working full time, I pursued my passion and became a Personal Trainer in 2014. After a stint in Melbourne, I returned to Canberra, reigniting my love for fitness and founding FITT Gals to share my knowledge with women seeking a healthier life.

Hi, I'm PT Tan


Founder and Creator of FITT GALS and FITT COACHING

who am i?


I reside in Queanbeyan, I have a professional career as well as being a proud mum to a 24 year old son, a cheeky chihuahua, and now your FITT Gals personal trainer.

Credentials? I hold a Certificate 4 in Fitness, I hold a current AusActive membership, I am certified in boxing, kettlebells and kids bootcamp classes (5-11 year olds). I have a Senior First Aid certification, Health and Wellness Coaching Level 1 and 2 with Wellness Coaching Australia, and a level 3 Advance Coaching certification. I am fully insured to train you safely, and bring a wealth of experience to ensure you have a blast with FITT Gals.

Now at 50, I've taken a leap of faith...

who am i?

This realisation inspired me to create an environment where women can exercise at home, in a park, online or in a small studio. Your journey starts with you in the drivers seat. I listen to what you want to achieve, where you are at in life, your challenges and craft a program that will ease you in and make you feel safe and comfortable at all times. I am passionate about making a difference to women's health and wellness, and you will always feel heard and understood, therefore we are on this journey together.

Recognising that not every woman feels comfortable in a gym setting, I understand the intimidation and uncertainty about where and how to start

what i do

That's where I come in to guide you every step of the way. Each woman is unique and faces challenges like lack of knowledge, perimenopause, menopause, childcare, work constraints, transportation issues, or general anxiety about fitness and where and how to start. My approach is to take you from your current position to where you want to be, and bringing the two together for success.

Navigating towards a healthier life can be overwhelming amid mixed information, social media messages and so many choices.

what i do

Your health is your most valuable asset, and FITT Gals is committed to supporting you in achieving, maintaining, and being proud of your accomplishments. You will always feel safe, comfortable and heard, and best of all..  we love to celebrate your wins!

Having experienced similar challenges to you, I comprehend your struggles and know what and how to overcome them. 

what i do

Tania xo

Can't make it in person? No worries! FITT Gals offers an online personal training service, ensuring you stay active and motivated from the comfort of your screen, whether you're interstate or prefer a virtual approach.


Experience convenience with FITT Gals, a mobile and studio personal training service bringing workouts to your home, a park, or any place where you thrive. Embrace your fitness level today, as our tailored programs, equipment, and optional small group or paired sessions guarantee an engaging and challenging experience.


Launched in February 2024, FITT Coaching specialises in making and breaking habits, fitness and overall health and wellness. I will be working with you to develop new or break habits and achieving transformative results including weight loss, regaining your energy, and navigating this time in your life. My powerful coaching is values based, works with self-efficacy and accountability, allowing you to reshape your mindset for life-changing outcomes.

wellness and fitness COACHING

Learn about our FITT Gals services

At FITT Gals, our meticulously crafted programs are not just about getting you started on a fitness journey; they're designed to be a comprehensive and enduring guide to maintaining your momentum and truly finding your exercise groove! Each program is customisable to cater specifically to your needs and align with your unique fitness goals.

Our approach is all about infusing an element of enjoyment into your fitness routine, making the entire experience not only effective but also enjoyable and fun!

A range of programs to suit your individual goals

Consultation and initial discussion 

Get in touch for a no obligation discussion about what you want to achieve, how I work and all completely confidential. 

book now


Thank you. 

wollongong, nsw


For your enquiry, I will get back to you ASAP and have a fantastic day! 

Tania xo


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Thank you

For your enquiry, I will get back to you ASAP and have a fantastic day! 

Tania xo

Wollongong NSW

0411 898 051

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Canberra and Queanbeyan

0411 898 051 

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